In this second part of the Decking Cleaning Series, we will be using the Barrettine Wood Reviver to restore our decking to that lovely golden hue.
Original Decking before cleaning
After using the Decking Cleaner
After 1st Coat of Wood Reviver
After 2nd Coat of Wood Reviver
As you can see from the photos, there is a lot of difference from the original decking, to washed and cleaned, to reviver coats 1 & 2. The process has really brightened the decking and restored it to near its original golden colour.
Do you have light green stains on your decking? These green stains are just the wood preservative treatment. The green comes from the copper in the treatment.
Next, we will tackle retreating with Decking Oil, which requires your decking to be very dry! Decking oil will repel water, protect the timber from UV colour fading and help protect against returning mould.