Fencing Mauls

Fencing Mauls

£45.63£49.48 inc. VAT

  • Fencing Mauls 10lb and 12lb with Fibreglass Handles
  • For driving in fence posts
SKU: N/A Category:

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A Fencing Maul, like a Post Rammer, is used to knock in round fence posts. It is a special type of large hammer which has a large flat surface for striking the top of fence posts. Our Mauls have fibreglass handles which help to absorb the shock and vibrations generated by striking the fence posts. A maul should be used in preference to a sledgehammer.

Tip – If you have to use a sledgehammer, use the flat side of the head for striking the posts. The normal striking face of a sledgehammer is slightly curved and this causes the top of the post to split.

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Fencing Maul 10lb with Fibreglass Handle, Fencing Maul 12lb with Fibreglass Handle

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